How Do True Epoxy Coating Protect Garage Floors

Epoxy flooring is a mixture of polyamine hardener and epoxy coating. It creates a strong, hard, chemical-resistant, and lastly durable surface. They can withstand heavy oil, pressure in vehicles, abrasion, and grease. The epoxy flake flooring in Melbourne has differences in building methods. Some of the epoxy floorings are created with only the Epoxy coating and some of them use mixtures. So, let’s check out how a true Epoxy coating protected garage floors for years.


High Epoxy Solids Percentage

The solid percentage of epoxy flooring decides the durability and performance of the floor coating. Most Epoxy paints that are available in your average building supply store have a low percentage of solids.

Ultimately, the higher the percentage of solids an epoxy coating has, the more epoxy the product will retain throughout the curing process. For example, in a hundred percent solid epoxy, 100% of the Epoxy product remains on the floor after it’s applied and dried. Essentially the higher the percentage of solids your Epoxy coating has, the thicker your final layer will be, and the more protection your flooring will have.


High Dry Film Thickness

Dry film thickness is the final thickness of your protective coating. Basically, the greater the solids content, the greater the DFT. DFT is an area where most DIY Epoxy paint kits from your typical home improvement store fall short.

To begin with, many Epoxy paint kits don’t use an authentic Epoxy coating. Too often, they use latex-based formulas that contain low amounts of solids. So, even if it’s less expensive and easier to apply, your protection coat will be much thinner. That means it will be more susceptible to wear, and you’ll likely need to reapply it in a few years.


Hot-tire Pickup Resistance

As you well know, tires can reach high temperatures. Unfortunately, if your garage floor features a cheap coating, hot tires can strip the flooring. However, quality epoxies will entirely protect your flooring from this hot-tire pickup. They repel chemicals and heat, which keeps your floor’s coating attractive and intact.


These are some of the fundamental qualities of the epoxy floor paint in Melbourne. When you give an epoxy coating to your garage floor, it lasts longer than usual. Get in touch with the best epoxy flooring contractors in your locality. Your garage floor needs a different coating as it bears a heavy load. Make sure that you get the best service at an affordable price.

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